Submit your tax declaration online

About the project

PIT-OPP is an application that helps people to create annual tax declarations. They can be easily printed or sent directly to Polish Tax Office using eDeclarations module. Application contains an assistant module which leads user "by hand" to the completely filled document. Public Benefit Organization can purchase branded version which additionally has pre-filled and disabled form fields related to their cause.

My role

I was sole developer working on multiple online versions of this product. Additionally I've created a set of web services used by online and desktop versions of PIT-OPP application.

Interactive Forms

User can manually fill all fields as he was doing it on paper with real form preview in background. Calculations are made automatically in real time which helps and limits potential mistakes.

PIT-OPP - Interactive Forms


Many people have problem with filling declaration on their own. To solve that problem the Assistant module was created. It leads user step by step until declaration is complete. Assistant asks user set of intelligent questions which changes based on previous answers. On each step user is provided with help to provide as smooth experience as possible.

PIT-OPP - Assistant


If user doesn't won't to print declaration and bring it personally to Tax Office he has an option to sent it electronically using e-services.

PIT-OPP - eDeclarations


Aside from generic version, individual organisations can get personalized version of application with information about them and predefined form fields.

PIT-OPP - Personalized

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